Privacy Policy

Thank you very much for using the services provided by seven-Q(hereinafter, “we/our/us”).

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “the Policy”) sets forth our privacy information handling principles. You or users are deemed to have agreed with the Policy if you use our services.


How do you collect privacy information?

We may collect personal information when a user makes a user registration or use any of our services and/or history and characteristic information of a user when a user uses any of our services or views any of the pages of our website.


For what purpose do you use privacy information?

The following gives purposes of our collection and use of privacy information.

- To use information necessary for our provision of services for users, such as information about details of inquiries and billing, status of use of services by users, and contact information of users so as to answer inquires by users
- To prepare statistical data that is processed in the form that does not permit personal identification in connection with our services
- To distribute or display advertisements of us or a third party
- To use privacy information for marketing
- Purposes incidental to the purposes of using above


Do you provide privacy information for a third party?

We will not provide privacy information for a third party without the prior approval of users except for the following. However, this excludes cases in which the provision is permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or any other laws and regulations.

- Where requested under laws and regulations

Change of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to changes without notice to users.


Inquiry contact

E-mail address:seven.q.0709[@]